We're trying to configure periodic jobs in Postgresql. To do this, we have installed on linux machine, with postgres 9.6 running, the citusdata pg_cron project.
System information
Citusdata pg_cron project
Following the instructions in the pg_cron repository, we set in postgresql.conf the configuration below
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_cron'
cron.database_name = 'our db_name'
Then, on db_name, we created the EXTENSION pg_cron
and we scheduled our first postgres job:
SELECT cron.schedule('45 12 * * *', $$CREATE TABLE testCron AS Select 'Test Cron' as Cron$$);
So, jobid 1 is created and listed in table cron.job.
We expect that at 12:45 the command of the scheduled job will be launched.
But nothing happens.
testCron table is not created and we have no trace in any logs.
We have also defined LOG_FILE in /usr/src/pg_cron/include/pathnames.h to enable logging.
But, after re-compiling the project and restarting postgres service, we did not track log for pg_cron.
Can someone help us?
How can we enable logs for pg_cron to check scheduling result?
Thanks in advance!
To schedule jobs from the db server we'll need to enable trust authentication in pg_hba.conf for the user running the cron job. We'll also need to either run UPDATE cron.job SET nodename = '' to make pg_cron connect via a local (unix domain) socket or add host all all in pg_hba.conf to allow access to the pg_cron background worker via a local TCP connection.
As a basic sanity check to see if logging is enabled, we run SELECT cron.schedule('* * * * *', 'SELECT 1') which will run SELECT 1 at the start of every minute and should show up in the regular postgres log.