i want to change the color of a BPMN-Shape in Visio by Code. What i've done so far is changing the value from the "LineColor" Cell of the ShapeSheet in Visio with the following code-snippet:
_startShape.CellsU["LineColor"].FormulaForceU = "=RGB(255,0,0)";
However, Shapes that I drawed myself are not changing in color. The Information/Value in the ShapeSheet-Cell is changing but the color is still not visible. I read about the GUARD-function which is protecting the cells, but the FormulaForceU
should ignore the GUARD.
Imported Shapes are changing as expected! Just the self-drawed are not changing to red (RGB(255,0,0).
I can't figure out why! Has anyone experienced the same?
Thanks in advance!
If the shape is a group, then you need to change the sub-shapes as well.