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General Advice about When to Use Prop and When to use bool

I am formalizing a grammar which is essentially one over boolean expressions. In coq, you can get boolean-like things in Prop or more explicitly in bool.

So for example, I could write:

true && true


True /\ True

The problem is that in proofs (which is what I really care about) I can do a case analysis in domain bool, but in Prop this is not possible (since all members are not enumerable, I suppose). Giving up this tactic and similar rewriting tactics seems like a huge drawback even for very simple proofs.

In general, what situations would one choose Prop over bool for formalizing? I realize this is a broad question, but I feel like this is not addressed in the Coq manual sufficiently. I am interested in real world experience people have had going down both routes.


  • There are lots of different opinions on this. My personal take is that you are often better off not making this choice: it makes sense to have two versions of a property, one in Prop, the other one in bool.

    Why would you want this? As you pointed out, booleans support case analysis in proofs and functions, which general propositions do not. However, Prop is more convenient to use in certain cases. Suppose you have a type T with finitely many values. We can write a procedure

    all : (T -> bool) -> bool

    that decides whether a boolean property P : T -> bool holds of all elements of T. Imagine that we know that all P = true, for some property P. We might want to use this fact to conclude that P x = true for some value x. To do this, we need to prove a lemma about all:

    allP : forall P : T -> bool,
             all P = true <-> (forall x : T, P x = true)

    This lemma connects two different formulations of the same property: a boolean one and a propositional one. When reasoning about all in a proof, we can invoke allP to convert freely between the two. We can also have different conversion lemmas:

    allPn : forall P,
              all P = false <-> (exists x, P x = false)

    In fact, we are free to choose any Coq proposition whatsoever to relate to a boolean computation (as long, of course, as we can prove that the two are logically equivalent). For instance, if we would like to have a custom induction principle associated with a boolean property, we can look for an equivalent formulation as an inductively defined proposition.

    The Mathematical Components library is a good example of development that follows this style. Indeed, because it is so pervasive there, the library provides a special view mechanism for writing conversion lemmas like the one above and applying them. In plain Coq, we can also use the rewrite tactic to apply logical equivalences more conveniently.

    Of course, there are many situations where it does not make sense to have two formulations of the same property. Sometimes, you are forced to use Prop, because the property you care about is undecidable. Sometimes, you might feel that you wouldn't gain anything by writing your property in Prop, and may keep it only as a boolean.

    In addition to the Software Foundations chapter linked above, this answer discusses the difference between bool and Prop in more depth.