I have a custom Python egg I've written, which I cannot get the submodule (or nested module) to load externally. I've been able to load a root-level module just fine.
Here's the obfuscated structure:
my_egg/ my_egg/ __init__.py (empty file) module_one.py my_subdir\ __init__.py (empty file) module_two.py setup.py
Importing module_one works:
from my_egg import module_one
But I cannot seem to get module_two to import. Here's what I've tried:
from my_egg.my_subdir import module_two
from my_egg import my_subdir.module_two
from my_egg.my_subdir.module_two import *
None of those worked. Here's what my setup.py looks like:
from setuptools import setup
I'm surpised no one answered this. I was able to get it working after scouring Google, pulling from different sources, and trying different things.
One thing which held me up... I was trying to install my custom egg on a Databricks cluster. And I didn't realize that once you delete a library (egg) the cluster must be restarted in order for it to be deleted. So every time I would try changes, nothing took effect. This definitely delayed my progress.
In any case, I changed to my setup.py
file to use find_packages
and made changes to the empty __init__.py
files. I'm not really sure if both changes were needed, or if one would've sufficed.
New my_egg/setup.py
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
packages=find_packages(exclude=('tests', 'docs')),
I added a my_egg/version.py
file to help me debug if I was using the right version on the cluster. That addition actually led me to discover that Databricks requires the cluster be restarted.
New root init my_egg/my_egg/__init__.py
from .version import __version__
from .module_one import module_one_func
from .my_subdir.module_two import module_two_func
__all__ = ['module_one_func']
New sub-dir init my_egg/my_egg/my_subdir/__init__.py
from module_two import module_two_func
__all__ = ['module_two_func']