I have defined a Vuex store with (actions, state, mutations and getters)
When i add a new todo to my state array in the mutations i got following error: Error: [vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.
const state = {
todos: []
export default {
ADD_TODO (state, payload) {
Is it not possible to use an array with the state?
I also tried this with using an object for todos state which works fine.
You cannot mutate the state itself, you have to assign a new value to state to mutate it so in your case you can do :
in your component assign your todos from store to a variable like
let todos = [...this.$store.todos] //or assign from a getter if you have one;
addTodo(todos); //call mutation from component and pass your todos array as payload
ADD_TODO (state, payload) {
state.todos = payload;