import json
def getElementCount(jsonObj):
data1 = json.dumps(jsonObj)
item_dict = json.loads(data1)
print len(countElement)
return countElement
Robot framework
** Test Cases ***
[TC-001]-Registering a device with INVALID SUBSCRIBER name
${ResponseJson}= Customer Method API Call ${host} ${apivalue}
${value} = Call Method getElementCount ${ResponseJson}
Description of Error
It is not working can someone please help with above solution
I want to call to above python method from robot framework and also pass ${ResponseJson} value to above python method. And after identifying length result should be return to robot framework.
i already went through below link but dint understand meaning of call method.
Call method
is for calling methods on objects. When you import a library, you don't get objects.
When you import a module as a library, every function becomes a keyword. Therefore you can directly call getElementCount
** Test Cases ***
${value} = getElementCount ${ResponseJson}