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How to specify SyncDirectionOrder by Table using SyncOrchestrator

I have separated the tables into a different scopes with different SyncDirectionOrder because I have not figured out how to do it using a single scope:

public void Sync()
    Sync("BidirectionalScope", SyncDirectionOrder.DownloadAndUpload);
    Sync("UploadScope", SyncDirectionOrder.Upload);
    Sync("DownloadScope", SyncDirectionOrder.Download);

protected SyncOperationStatistics Sync(string syncScope, SyncDirectionOrder syncDirectionOrder)
    var localProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(...);
    var remoteProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(...);

    var syncOrchestrator = new SyncOrchestrator
        LocalProvider = localProvider,
        RemoteProvider = remoteProvider,
        Direction = syncDirectionOrder

    return syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();


  • you cant, using the Syncorchestrator, the scope is the only place you can specify the sync direction.