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Android Firebase: User-specific real-time data is removed when user logs back in

I am using Firebase Google authentication for login, and I had a list of data points associated with a user. The user populates their data by creating elements in a logged-in session, and these update a list in Firebase that is stored under their uid in a 'user' reference of the RTDB.

Key points:

  1. When I log out, the data persists.
  2. When I log back in, the uid is the same in the RTDB
  3. When I log back in, the user-specific list is deleted.

How can I make the data persist in the RTDB?


public void onClick(View view) {
    switch (view.getId()) {
            Log.i(TAG, "User allegedly logged out.");
            Intent backToLogin = new Intent(UserDataListActivity.this, LoginActivity.class);


EDIT: I was under the impression that the write function would not overwrite the existing data. How can I add to the users reference a specific user's data upon Google login without overwriting whatever information they already have?

private void onAuthSuccess(FirebaseUser user) {
    String username = usernameFromEmail(user.getEmail());
    String[] names = firstAndLastNameFromDisplayName(user.getDisplayName());

    // Write new user
    writeNewUser(user.getUid(), names, username, user.getEmail(), user.getUid());

    // Go to MainActivity
    Intent startMainActivity = new Intent(LoginActivity.this, MainActivity.class);
private String usernameFromEmail(String email) {
    if (email.contains("@")) {
        return email.split("@")[0];
    } else {
        return email;
private String[] firstAndLastNameFromDisplayName(String fullName) {
    if (fullName != null) {
        if (fullName.contains(" ")) {
            return new String[]{fullName.split(" ")[0], fullName.split(" ")[1]};
        } else {
            return new String[]{fullName, "emptyLastName"};
    } else {
        return new String[]{"defaultfirst","defaultlast"};
private void writeNewUser(String userId, String[] names, String username, String email,String uid) {
    User user = new User(username,names[0],names[1], email, uid);

private boolean isEmailValid(String email) {
    return email.contains("@");

private boolean isPasswordValid(String password) {
    return (password.length() > 4) && !password.contains("\\");

enter image description here


  • To check if a user exists in Firebase Realtime Database before adding one upon user login/registration in Android:

    private void writeNewUser(final String userId, String[] names, String username, String email,String uid) {
        final User user = new User(username,names[0],names[1], email, uid);
        myUsers.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
            public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
                if (!dataSnapshot.hasChild(userId)) {
            public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {}

    I got the tip from here and the guidance of @Prisoner's answer.