I am currently using PostgreSQL JSON capabilities to create JSON objects out of my query so I can easily use it on my application or pass it to the frontend.
does exactly when I need to (creates JSON objects with columns as a keys from the data and convert it into array), however I haven't found any way how to do the same if I need only one or two columns from tags. I played with various JSON and array functions but I've never achieved the same result. Thanks for help
Whole query
array_to_json(array_agg(tags.*)) as tags
FROM tags_components
LEFT JOIN tags ON tags.id = tags_components.tag_id
AND tags_components.component_name = 'company'
GROUP BY tags_components.component_id
Use a derived table, e.g.:
array_to_json(array_agg(tags.*)) as tags
FROM tags_components
SELECT id, name -- only two columns
FROM tags
) tags
ON tags.id = tags_components.tag_id
AND tags_components.component_name = 'company'
GROUP BY tags_components.component_id