I try to do a payment with api yandex money. I use
instance_id = ExternalPayment.get_instance_id(client_id)['instance_id']
api = ExternalPayment(instance_id)
def wallet_payments(access_token, ym_account, total, api):
wallet = Wallet(access_token)
request_options = {
"pattern_id": "p2p",
"to": ym_account,
"amount_due": total,
"comment": "test payment comment from yandex-money-python",
"message": "test payment message from yandex-money-python",
"label": "testPayment",
"test_payment": True,
"test_result": "success"
request_result = api.request(request_options)
process_payment = api.process({
"request_id": request_result['request_id'],
return process_payment['status']
returns success, but after
`process_payment = api.process({
"request_id": request_result['request_id'],
I get {'status': 'refused', 'error': 'illegal_param_ext_auth_success_uri'}
How can I solve that?
From the yandex documentation:
The ext_auth_success_uri parameter has a missing or invalid value.
So you probably need to define a ext_auth_success_uri parameter which will be a listener url that receive yandex api response in case of success.
And you probably will need this one too which is the same but in case of error:
The ext_auth_fail_uri parameter has a missing or invalid value.
source: https://tech.yandex.com/money/doc/dg/reference/process-payment-docpage/