Is there a way to hide individual predicates from the trace? In a rule like this:
p(<Stuff>) :-
I would for example like to hide q()
and s()
from the trace, because I only am interested in the calls to p()
and s()
might call a lot of other predicates, which totally cloggs up the trace and makes it hard to find the relevant calls in it.
I have now tried executing from the command line rather than from inside the interpreter and piping the trace to grep for grepping lines containing p
... but to my disappointment I had to realize when running from the command line, it still opens a prolog shell, so piping the output does not work at all. Only print
will actually send to the shell running the prolog process.
?- trace(shift_reduce, all).
% shift_reduce/2: [call,redo,exit,fail]
[debug] ?- shift_reduce([λ,x,x], T).
T Call: (8) shift_reduce([λ, x, x], _7344)
T Exit: (8) shift_reduce([λ, x, x], [e, [λ], [v, [x]], [e, [v, [...]]]])
T = [e, [λ], [v, [x]], [e, [v, [x]]]] ;
T Exit: (8) shift_reduce([λ, x, x], [e, [λ], [v, [x]], [e, [v, [...]]]])
T = [e, [λ], [v, [x]], [e, [v, [x]]]] ;
T Fail: (8) shift_reduce([λ, x, x], _7344)
[debug] ?-
In SWI-Prolog you can use trace/2
trace(p, all)
and this will enable information related to p and also this will activate debug mode.
while you're on debug mode you can call:
and this will now show information only for p.