I have a table a_x with the columns A and B, column A is in CLOB format, column B number(10):
A | B
atveroeosipsumloremipsumdolor| 1
stetclitakasdtest | 2
noseatakimataatveroeosipsum | 3
loremipsumdolor | 4
consetetursadipscingelitr | 5
I would like to produce this table, in order to find out, which ID goes with certain substrings:
A | IDs
atveroeosipsum | 1,3
test | 2
stetclitakasd | 2
noseatakimata | 3
loremipsumdolor | 1,4
consetetursadipscingelitr | 5
I tried the following code:
create table a_y
select a
from a_x where a contains('atveroeosipsum', 'test'
, 'stetclitakasd', 'noseatakimata'
, 'loremipsumdolor', 'consetetursadipscingelitr')
alter table a_y
add ids varchar2(2000);
The code is not working because of 00920. 00000 - "invalid relational operator"
I think it is not possible to search for text in CLOB format. How can I produce the second table, when column A is in varchar format?
UPDATE: The code from mathguy works. I wanted to use a table called table_expressions
, which contains the desired expressions. I created this table, which contains only one column (column A
of the "result table").
The modified code from mathguy:
create table a_y
input_strings ( a ) as (
select column_value from table_expressions
select t2.a, listagg(t1.b, ',') within group (order by t1.b)
as ids from a_x t1 join input_strings t2 on t1.a like '%' || t2.a || '%'
group by t2.a
See also question XMLAGG
The correct operator for string comparisons is LIKE. Note that it works for CLOBs, not just for VARCHAR2.
In the example below I create the table of input strings on the fly using one particular method. There are several other methods - use whichever you are familiar with.
a_x ( a, b ) as (
select to_clob('atveroeosipsumloremipsumdolor'), 1 from dual union all
select to_clob('stetclitakasdtest') , 2 from dual union all
select to_clob('noseatakimataatveroeosipsum') , 3 from dual union all
select to_clob('loremipsumdolor') , 4 from dual union all
select to_clob('consetetursadipscingelitr') , 5 from dual
input_strings ( str ) as (
select column_value
from table ( sys.odcivarchar2list ( 'atveroeosipsum', 'test', 'stetclitakasd',
'noseatakimata', 'loremipsumdolor',
select t2.str, listagg(t1.b, ',') within group (order by t1.b) as ids
from a_x t1
join input_strings t2 on t1.a like '%' || t2.str || '%'
group by t2.str
------------------------- ---
atveroeosipsum 1,3
consetetursadipscingelitr 5
loremipsumdolor 1,4
noseatakimata 3
stetclitakasd 2
test 2