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AutoMocker with Setup not working properly

I am trying to use Moq.Automock in one of my projects, which I have not used before. Please see the code below:

public class BusinessLayerTests
    List<Denomination> expectedDenominations;

    AutoMocker mocker = new AutoMocker();
    UKCurrency Currency;
    IDenominationFactory DenominationFactory;

    public void Initialize()
        Currency = mocker.CreateInstance<UKCurrency>();
        DenominationFactory = mocker.CreateInstance<DenominationFactory>();        
        mocker.Setup<UKCurrency>(x => x.CurrencyDenominations()).Returns(CurrencyDenominations());

    public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> CurrencyDenominations()
        yield return 50M;

I believe the code above shows that I have created a mock object called: Currency. I believe the line starting: mocker.Setup should ensure that the local method called: CurrencyDenominations is called. However, this does not happen. The method called: CurrencyDenominations in UKCurrency is called.

What am I doing wrong?


  • You need to get the underlying mock and apply the setup on that.

    public void Initialize() {
        Currency = mocker.CreateInstance<UKCurrency>();
        DenominationFactory = mocker.CreateInstance<DenominationFactory>();
        var currencyMock = mocker.GetMock<UKCurrency>();
        currencyMock.Setup(_ => _.CurrencyDenominations()).Returns(CurrencyDenominations());

    provided UKCurrency.CurrencyDenominations is virtual and able to be overridden.