I've successfully used the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client
to fetch data from an Oracle server into a Dataset
, and used SqlBulkCopy
to insert that Dataset
into a SQL database where the tables have matching columns names (see below).
How would I go about manipulating the Insert
of the Dataset
so I can specify where the columns in the Dataset
would go into the SQL table, allowing me to use non-identical tables?
E.g. SourceTable(column1)
Inserts to DestinationTable(column4)
I was thinking this may be able to be achieved with a SQL Insert statement like:
INSERT INTO DestinationTable ([column4]) Values ([column1])
But I don't know how to manipulate the Dataset
into my SQL statement. My code so far:
Dim i As Double = 1
Dim j As Double = 5000
Dim Oconn As New OracleConnection(connectionString & mySource)
Dim Osqlstr As String = "Select column1, " _
& "column2, " _
& "column3, " _
& "column4, " _
& "from " _
& "(Select rownum r, " _
& "column1, " _
& "column2, " _
& "column3, " _
& "column4, " _
& "from mysourcetable)" _
& "where rownum >=" & i & " and rownum <=" & j _
& " order by column1 asc"
Dim Ocommand As New OracleCommand(Osqlstr, Oconn)
Dim Oda As New OracleDataAdapter(Ocommand)
Dim Ods As New DataSet()
Using myBulk As New SqlBulkCopy(DB_COMMS)
myBulk.DestinationTableName = "mydestinationtable"
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error:- " & ex.Message)
End Try
End Using
It looks like I can use the ColumnMappings
functionality of BulkCopy
to solve my issue. Found by @AnandPhadke from post:
insert data into table from a dataset
They linked this: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/18418/Transferring-Data-Using-SqlBulkCopy
This allows me to specify the name of the source column and its destination.
E.g. bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("column1", "columnn4")