I would like to open a directory on Hammerspoon with a keyboard shortcut. In order to open any apps via shortcut, you use the following:
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl"}, "n", function()
However, this doesn't work on the filesystem. For example, if you want to open ~/Dropbox
, what method should you do to open the app?
I'm not sure if there is an API specifically suitable for this task, but I found that one solution is bind keys to execute a shell command on Hammerspoon (via hs.execute()
local function directoryLaunchKeyRemap(mods, key, dir)
local mods = mods or {}
hs.hotkey.bind(mods, key, function()
local shell_command = "open " .. dir
directoryLaunchKeyRemap({"ctrl"}, "1", "/Applications")
This lets you open /Applications
directory via ⌃+1.