My goal is to access the OpenCPU when I start the browser, e.g. localhost:7978/ocpu/
. However, I have problems changing the port to a predictable setting. By default, my localhost server randomizes the port number.
I tried the following — How to set the opencpu default port for single user in my .Rprofile
However, opencpu will simply repeat whatever command it is being fed, without reaching a REPL state. I run R from a .bat
file without arguments.
I also had a look at .opencpu.conf
but did not become much wiser.
I was not aware that the version of opencpu I was working with started the REPL when loading the package using the library command. I should have read the manual...
Solution (OpenCPU < v2.0 ?):
However, since the API and function call have since changed, I chose Jeroen's answer.
The API has changed in the OpenCPU 2.0 release. You now do:
ocpu_start_server(port = 5656)