What is the best way to update splash sceen labels on application startup, to inform the user what's going on ? The problem is that the splash screen is created in an override method, while updating has to be done within the static main method, which can't access "this.SplashScreen".
class SingleInstanceApplication : WindowsFormsApplicationBase
static void Main(string[] args)
SetSplashInfo("Data configuration", "Applying DataDirectory");
//Can't be done, this method is static**
//Do some stuff, code removed for reading purposes
protected override void OnCreateSplashScreen()
this.SplashScreen = new TestSplash();
this.SplashScreen.TopMost = true;
private void SetSplashInfo(string txt1, string txt2)
if ( this.SplashScreen == null)
TestSplash splashFrm = (TestSplash)this.SplashScreen;
splashFrm.label1.Text = txt1;
splashFrm.label2.Text = txt2;
Yes, you need a reference to the SingleInstanceApplication object. Since there is only ever one of them, you can cheat:
class SingleInstanceApplication : WindowsFormsApplicationBase {
private static SingleInstanceApplication instance;
public SingleInstanceApplication() {
instance = this;
Now you can use instance.SplashScreen to always get a reference to the splash screen and make SetSplashInfo() static. A clean fix should be possible but I can't see how you are creating the SingleInstanceApplication instance.