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Opening attachments from Mail in iOS4 app

I got how to open attachments in your app from the Mail app here.

But how do I handle this in an iOS4 app? When my app is in the background and I open a file from Mail, -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: does not fire. -applicationDidBecomeActive does, but it does not seem to have a way to retrieve the link to the file from there.

Anyone encountered this before? Any additional pointers on pitfalls I have yet to encounter will be very helpful too. Thanks in advance!


  • This should work:

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
        if ([url isFileURL])
            NSLog(@"file at path %@", [url path ]);
                    // do something with your file
                    return YES;
            return NO;