I am currently learning parametrized queries as there are advantages to using them.
Could someone give some pointers by converting this block of code to a parametrized version?
if(isset($_GET['news_art_id']) && (!empty($_GET['news_art_id'])))
$news_art_id = htmlentities(strip_tags($_GET['news_art_id']));
$news_art_id = validate_intval($news_art_id);
//echo $news_art_id;
$_SESSION['news_art_id'] = $news_art_id;
// Assign value to status.
$onstatus = 1;
settype($onstatus, 'integer');
$query = 'SELECT M.id, M.j_surname, M.j_points_count, M.j_level, A.j_user_id,A.id, A.jart_title, A.jart_tags, A.jart_description, A.jart_createddate FROM jt_articles A, jt_members M WHERE M.id = A.j_user_id AND A.id = ' . check_db_query_id($news_art_id) . " AND A.jart_status = $onstatus;";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Something went wrong. ' . mysql_error());
$artrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
in your case there is no advantage, remember a parameterised query requires 2 calls to the db : one to setup the query template and parse, the other to populate the query template params and is typically used when looping. So in this instance you're better off calling a stored procedure (always the best choice) or using inline sql and making sure you use http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-real-escape-string.php when applicable.