I have urlpattern with id
url(r'^3/(?P<id>[-\w]+)', Biochemical_analysis_of_blood.as_view(),\
class Biochemical_analysis_of_blood(CreateView):
model = BiochemicalAnalysisOfBlood
form_class = BiochemicalAnalysisOfBloodForm
template_name = "biochemical_analysis_of_blood.html"
success_url = reverse_lazy("patients")
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(Biochemical_analysis_of_blood, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context["patient"] = Patient.objects.get(id=self.kwargs['id'])
context["caption"] = 'Біохімічний аналіз крові'
context["new"] = True
return context
class SaveForms():
def save(self, commit=True):
analysis = Analyzes()
sid = transaction.savepoint()
analysis.name = self.data["name"]
analysis.patient_id = Patient.objects.get(id=1)
analysis.who_send = self.data["who_send"]
analysis.who_is_doctor = self.data["who_is_doctor"]
analysis.lab_user_id = Doctor.objects.get(id=self.data["lab_user_id"])
analysis.additional_lab_user = self.data["lab_user_add"]
analysis.date = self.data["date"]
analysis.type = 3
analysis.date_analysis = self.data["date_analysis"]
# Your analysis is created, attach it to the form instance object
self.instance.analysis_id = analysis.id
return super().save(commit)
How I can get a variable "id" from url to form's method - save? class SaveForms will be inherethed by other forms.models classes because they all must have same save method.
analysis.patient_id = Patient.objects.get(id=1)
Instead "1" I must use "id" from url...Who can help me, please?
class BiochemicalAnalysisOfBloodForm(SaveForms, forms.ModelForm):
You can acces the request data in your form, check this answer:
How do I access the request object or any other variable in a form's clean() method?
Instead of the request.user object take request.path.