how can I store the output of sapply()
to a dataframe where the index value is stored in first column and its value in corresponding 2nd column. For illustration, I have shown only 2 elements here, but there are 110 columns in my data. "loan" is the data frame.
cols <- sapply(loan,function(x) sum(
I want output as:
var value
id 0
member_id 7
I know that sapply() returns a vector, but when I print the vector, values are printed along with its some "index" e.g., column name if applied on a data frame. So, now when I want to store it as a data frame with two columns where 1st column contains the index part and the second column contains the value, how can I do it?
I found an answer to my question. For those who actually did understand my problem, this answer might make sense:
cols <- data.frame(sapply(loan ,function(x) sum(
cols <- cbind(variable = row.names(cols), cols)
I wanted the row.names
to be in a column of the same data frame corresponding to the values obtained from sapply