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Negative values are ignored in a 3D plot

I have to plot a 3d function which has meaningless negative values (they should not appear in the plot). The function which has to be plot is like:

def constraint_function(x, y):
    return min(
        (1800 - 0.3 * x - 0.5 * y) / 0.4,
        (500 - 0.1 * x - 0.08 * y) / 0.12,
        (200 - 0.06 * x - 0.04 * y) / 0.05

I'm calculating the function the following way:

xs = np.linspace(0, 3600, 1000)
ys = np.linspace(0, 3600, 1000)
zs = np.empty(shape=(1000, 1000))
for ix, x in enumerate(xs):
    for iy, y in enumerate(ys):
        zs[ix][iy] = constraint_function(x, y)
xs, ys = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)

The function has valid values mostly in the square [0, 3600]x[0, 3600]. The first approach I had is setting the axis limits to fit my needs:

fig = plt.figure()

ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.azim = 20
ax.set_xlim(0, 3500)
ax.set_ylim(0, 3500)
ax.set_zlim(0, 4500)
ax.plot_surface(xs, ys, zs)

Which results in the following plot:

enter image description here It just ignored the limits and did plot it anyway. The second approach was defining the negative values as np.nan changing the function to be as:

def constraint_function(x, y):
    temp = min(
        (1800 - 0.3 * x - 0.5 * y) / 0.4,
        (500 - 0.1 * x - 0.08 * y) / 0.12,
        (200 - 0.06 * x - 0.04 * y) / 0.05
    return temp if temp >= 0 else np.nan

and setting the alpha of invalid values to zero:
ax.azim = 20
ax.set_xlim(0, 3500)
ax.set_ylim(0, 3500)
ax.set_zlim(0, 4500)

ax.plot_surface(xs, ys, zs)

enter image description here It leaves me with saw-like borders which is also something I don't want to have. Is there a way to get rid of these edges and getting a smooth line when the plot is turning negative?


  • First, your z-value array axes are reversed; it should be zs[iy][ix] not zs[ix][iy]. Because of this your plot is flipped left-for-right.

    Second, building your z array by iterating in Python is much slower; you should instead delegate to numpy, like so:

    import numpy as np
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # create axis sample
    xs = np.linspace(0, 3600, 1000)
    ys = np.linspace(0, 3600, 1000)
    # create mesh samples
    xxs, yys = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
    # create data
    zzs = np.min([
        ((1800 - 0.30 * xxs - 0.50 * yys) / 0.40),
        (( 500 - 0.10 * xxs - 0.08 * yys) / 0.12),
        (( 200 - 0.06 * xxs - 0.04 * yys) / 0.05)
    ], axis=0)
    # clip data which is below 0.0
    zzs[zzs < 0.] = np.NaN

    NumPy vectorized operations are many times faster.

    Third, there is nothing particularly wrong with your code except the sampling resolution is too low; set it higher,

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.azim = 20
    ax.set_xlim(0, 3500)
    ax.set_ylim(0, 3500)
    ax.set_zlim(0, 4500)
    ax.plot_surface(xxs, yys, zzs, rcount=200, ccount=200)


    enter image description here