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How to check if Join a computer to a domain was succeful

I need you help... i am writing a powershell script which will add a computer to a domain. i have done this using the add-computer but my main problem is that i want to check if the join was done successful or not. If was not successful i want to try again until the action done. this is the script:

$j = add-computer -domainname mydomain -credential mydomain\
While ( $j -ne 0){
 $j = add-computer -domainname mydomain -credential mydomain\

If the join done or not done the script is running and it never ends.

I tried to do it with the DO... Until:

    do { 
    $j = add-computer -domainname mydomain -credential mydomain\ }
until ($j -eq o)

but i had the same problem...

Can you help me please?


  • You could specify the parameter "-PassThru" for the command "Add-Computer". Based on your input the command would look like this:

    $j = Add-Computer -DomainName mydomain -Credential mydomain\ -PassThru

    "$j" now contains the information, if the join was successful. You can get the status with:


    It will give you "$True" on success and "$False" on error. With that information you could form your IF-clause as you like:

    IF ( $j.HasSucceeded -eq $false ) { ...

    EDIT: A simple example based on your input:

    Do {
        Try {    
            $j = Add-Computer -DomainName mydomain -Credential mydomain\test -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {
    } While ( $j.HasSucceeded -ne $true )

    Kind regards