In appengine I deployed python code with this model for videos to be uploaded.
I enabled video uploads It appears instances of model "Video" in the datastore when a video is uploaded. I think the class should be used with ndb library instead of the legacy db-Model
but i didn't learn ndb yet and my models are rather complicated and referenced.
class Video(db.Model):
reference = db.ReferenceProperty(Item,
collection_name='matched_videos', verbose_name='Title')
content = blobstore.BlobReferenceProperty()
title = db.StringProperty()
filename = db.StringProperty()
size = db.IntegerProperty()
added = db.DateTimeProperty(verbose_name='added', auto_now_add=True) # readonly
def get_video(self,video_id):
return Video.get_by_id(video_id)
Then when users upload videos I just check if the first upload is a video, otherwise it is plain images. I found that appengine could store ogv and mp4 but not all video formats. Storing an uploaded video looks like the following in my code.
for upload in self.get_uploads():
content_type = blobstore.blobstore.BlobInfo(upload.key()).content_type
if 'video' in content_type and not ad.hasvideo:
vid = Video(reference=item)
vid.content = upload.key()
vid.title = blobstore.blobstore.BlobInfo(upload.key()).filename
vid.size = blobstore.blobstore.BlobInfo(upload.key()).size
tmp = upload.key()
item.hasvideo = True
img = Image(reference=ad)
img.primary_image = upload.key()
item.hasimages = True
item.image_url = images.get_serving_url(str(upload.key()), size=640)
counter = counter + 1
except Exception, e:
logging.error('There was an exception:%s' % str(e.message))
Then viewing a video I use this code.
class ViewVideo(BaseRequestHandler,blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreDownloadHandler):
def get_video_content(self,content):
query_str = "SELECT * FROM Video WHERE content =:content"
return db.GqlQuery(query_str,content=content).get()
def get(self):
video_id = self.request.get('video_id')
video_instance = None
if video_id:
video_instance = self.get_video_content(video_id)
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = blobstore.blobstore.BlobInfo(video_instance.content.key()).content_type
The model item
is a class for an item that is posted by a user. Now my question if if I should rewrite it to use ndb
datastore instead? I started this project before ndb existed and I realize that it seems better to use ndb but if my Item
class is also not ndb, can I make references between mndb models and non-ndb models or must I migrate all models at the same time?
1) Stop using blobstore, and put your videos in a GCS (Google Cloud Storage) bucket.
2) Store the key to the GCD video in your ndb model. The other properties are easy to switch over to ndb.