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AKKA: Confusion about programmatic remote deployment

I am using akka remote deployment. I used logging to ensure if the actor has successfully deployed remotely. Here is my log info

[] [akka.tcp://adaptiveCEP@] hi, I am simple-2555-0.4631423946172286
[] [akka.tcp://adaptiveCEP@] hi, I am Actor[akka://adaptiveCEP/remote/akka.tcp/adaptiveCEP@]

It appears as if actor simple-2555-0.4631423946172286#1386676347 is child actor of disjunction actor and both hosted on the same machine (no remote deployment of child). And the actor who is doing supervision is actor akka.tcp://adaptiveCEP@

According to Top-Level Scopes for Actor Paths:

"/remote" is an artificial path below which all actors reside whose supervisors are remote actor references

Have I misunderstood something?

If required

val randomRouter = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[Master],


val temp = context.actorOf(Props[SimpleClusterListener].withDeploy(Deploy(scope = RemoteScope(address))), "simple-" + port + "-" + Math.random())
temp ! "hi"


Create an Akka actor remotely without a new ActorSystem


  • No, your actor is not deployed locally, it's on the remote machine

    akka.tcp://adaptiveCEP@] hi, I am simple-2555-0.4631423946172286

    This log item shows that your actor is running on actor system "adaptiveCEP" on "" machine and is being supervised by "disjunction" actor in "adaptiveCEP@"