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How to get "no rows" error when execute raw SQL with NPGSQL?

I'm new to C# so I apologize if this is an obvious question but I can't seem to find an answer to it. I'm writing a client application that takes a raw SQL command and passes it directly to the database. I don't know if it will be an select, update, insert, or delete. If it's a select, I want to get the results into a DataTable. If it's anything else, I want to know if it was successful or if there was an error in execution (for example: no rows were affected).

I am current doing the below code before I found out it doesn't return any errors for update or delete affects no rows. I formatted the code but tried to leave enough to understand what I am trying to do. Since this is my first question on here, if you have any tips on how better to contextualise my questions, please share.

class Client
    static void Main(string[] args)

        var testQuery1 = "select * from test where 1=1";
        var testQuery2 = "update test set value='value3' where name = 'name3'";
        var testQuery3 = "insert into test (id, name, value, date) values (4,'name4','value4',current_timestamp)";




/// <summary>
/// Universal database class.
/// </summary>
public static partial class Db
    private static IUniversalDatabase _dbUniConn;

    /* Database Results */
    public static string ErrorCode { get; private set; }
    public static string ErrorMessage { get; private set; }
    public static int RowCount { get; private set; }
    public static double ExecutionSeconds { get; private set; }
    public static DataTable Data { get; private set; } = new DataTable();

    public static void Init(string connString, Type dbType)
            _connString = connString;
            _connType = dbType;

            switch (_connType)
                case Db.Type.PostgreSQL:
                    _dbUniConn = new PostgresDatabase(_connString);

    public static void Open()
    { ...  _dbUniConn.Open(); ...  }

    public static void Close()
    { ...  _dbUniConn.Close(); ...  }

    public static void Query(string cmdString)
        var start = DateTime.Now;


        /* Reset Data */
        RowCount = 0;
        ErrorMessage = "";
        ErrorCode = "";

        /* Execute Query */

        /* Execution Time */
        ExecutionSeconds = (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds;
        Debug.Write("Database:    Execution Time: " + ExecutionSeconds.ToString() + " seconds", Debug.TraceLevel.Info);

        /* RowCount and Error Message */
        RowCount = Data.Rows.Count;
        Debug.Write("Database:    Returning " + RowCount.ToString() + " rows", Debug.TraceLevel.Info);
        Debug.Write("Database:    Error (" + ErrorCode + "): " + ErrorMessage, Debug.TraceLevel.Info);


    public class PostgresDatabase : IUniversalDatabase
        private NpgsqlConnection _dbConn;

        public PostgresDatabase(string connString)
        { _dbConn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString); }

        public void Open()
        { _dbConn.Open(); }

        public void Close()
        { _dbConn.Close(); }

        public void Dispose()
        { _dbConn.Dispose(); }

        public void Query(string cmdString)
            NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(cmdString, _dbConn);
            NpgsqlDataAdapter da = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(cmd);
            cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

            catch (Exception e)
                MatchCollection configVar = Regex.Matches(e.Message.ToString(), @"^(?<code>.*?): (?<msg>.*?)$");
                foreach (Match match in configVar)
                    ErrorCode = match.Groups["code"].Value.ToString();
                    ErrorMessage = match.Groups["msg"].Value.ToString();


  • I solved this by adding RETURNING 1 to my query when it started with anything but select:

            public void Query()
                Match m = Regex.Match(QueryInput.queryString, @"^\s*(?i:select).*$");
                if (!m.Success)
                    QueryInput.queryString += " RETURNING 1";
                NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(QueryInput.queryString, _dbConn);
                NpgsqlDataAdapter da = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                catch (Exception e)
                    m = Regex.Match(e.Message.ToString(), @"^(?<code>.*?): (?<msg>.*?)$");
                    if (m.Success)
                        ErrorCode = m.Groups["code"].Value.ToString();
                        ErrorMessage = m.Groups["msg"].Value.ToString();
                        throw e;

    I tested this with the following:

                Db.Query("update test set value = 'value1' where name in (\nselect name from test where name = 'name1')", Db.Type.PostgreSQL);
                Db.Query("\nSELECT * from test limit 10", Db.Type.PostgreSQL);
                Db.Query("update test set value='new value' where name='name1'", Db.Type.PostgreSQL);
                Db.Query("insert into test (id,name,value,date) values (3,'name3',value3,current_timestamp)", Db.Type.PostgreSQL);
                Db.Query("delete from test where id = 3", Db.Type.PostgreSQL);

    This returned the following results:

    13:43:57:014 - Info  - Database: Received [PostgreSQL] command (update test set value = 'value1' where name in (
    select name from test where name = 'name1'))
    13:43:57:015 - Debug - Database: Connection is now opened.
    13:43:57:070 - Info  - Database:    Execution Time: 0.055539 seconds
    13:43:57:071 - Info  - Database:    Returning 1 rows
    13:43:57:071 - Info  - Database:    Error (0): Success.
    13:43:57:071 - Debug - Database: Connection is now closed.
    13:43:57:072 - Debug - Database: Result      ?column?
    13:43:57:072 - Debug - Database: Result   1: 1
    13:43:57:072 - Info  - Database: Received [PostgreSQL] command (
    SELECT * from test limit 10)
    13:43:57:072 - Debug - Database: Connection is now opened.
    13:43:57:088 - Info  - Database:    Execution Time: 0.0160114 seconds
    13:43:57:088 - Info  - Database:    Returning 2 rows
    13:43:57:088 - Info  - Database:    Error (0): Success.
    13:43:57:089 - Debug - Database: Connection is now closed.
    13:43:57:089 - Debug - Database: Result      id        name      value     date
    13:43:57:089 - Debug - Database: Result   1: 1         name1     value1    6/14/2017 8:37:48 PM
    13:43:57:089 - Debug - Database: Result   2: 2         name2     value2    6/14/2017 8:37:48 PM
    13:43:57:089 - Info  - Database: Received [PostgreSQL] command (update test set value='new value' where name='name1')
    13:43:57:089 - Debug - Database: Connection is now opened.
    13:43:57:090 - Info  - Database:    Execution Time: 0.0010007 seconds
    13:43:57:090 - Info  - Database:    Returning 1 rows
    13:43:57:091 - Info  - Database:    Error (0): Success.
    13:43:57:092 - Debug - Database: Connection is now closed.
    13:43:57:093 - Debug - Database: Result      ?column?
    13:43:57:093 - Debug - Database: Result   1: 1
    13:43:57:094 - Info  - Database: Received [PostgreSQL] command (insert into test (id,name,value,date) values (3,'name3',value3,current_timestamp))
    13:43:57:096 - Debug - Database: Connection is now opened.
    13:43:57:186 - Info  - Database:    Execution Time: 0.0920653 seconds
    13:43:57:187 - Info  - Database:    Returning 0 rows
    13:43:57:191 - Info  - Database:    Error (42703): column "value3" does not exist
    13:43:57:192 - Debug - Database: Connection is now closed.
    13:43:57:199 - Debug - Database: Result
    13:43:57:200 - Info  - Database: Received [PostgreSQL] command (delete from test where id = 3)
    13:43:57:201 - Debug - Database: Connection is now opened.
    13:43:57:204 - Info  - Database:    Execution Time: 0.0040029 seconds
    13:43:57:204 - Info  - Database:    Returning 0 rows
    13:43:57:205 - Info  - Database:    Error (-1403): No rows found.
    13:43:57:205 - Debug - Database: Connection is now closed.
    13:43:57:206 - Debug - Database: Result      ?column?