I have two xts objects: stock
and base
. I calculate the relative strength (which is simply the ratio of closing price of stock and of the base index) and I want to plot the weekly relative strength outside the candlestick pattern. The links for the data are here and here.
read_stock = function(fichier){ #read and preprocess data
stock = read.csv(fichier, header = T)
stock$DATE = as.Date(stock$DATE, format = "%d/%m/%Y") #standardize time format
stock = stock[! duplicated(index(stock), fromLast = T),] # Remove rows with a duplicated timestamp,
# but keep the latest one
stock$CLOSE = as.numeric(stock$CLOSE) #current numeric columns are of type character
stock$OPEN = as.numeric(stock$OPEN) #so need to convert into double
stock$HIGH = as.numeric(stock$HIGH) #otherwise quantmod functions won't work
stock$LOW = as.numeric(stock$LOW)
stock$VOLUME = as.numeric(stock$VOLUME)
stock = xts(x = stock[,-1], order.by = stock[,1]) # convert to xts class
relative.strength = function(stock, base = read_stock("vni.csv")){
rs = Cl(stock) / Cl(base)
rs = apply.weekly(rs, FUN = mean)
stock = read_stock("aaa.csv")
candleChart(stock, theme='white')
addRS = newTA(FUN=relative.strength,col='red', legend='RS')
However R returns me this error:
Error in `/.default`(Cl(stock), Cl(base)) : non-numeric argument to binary operator
How can I fix this?
One problem is that "vni.csv" contains a "Ticker" column. Since xts objects are a matrix at their core, you can't have columns of different types. So the first thing you need to do is ensure that you only keep the OHLC and volume columns of the "vni.csv" file. I've refactored your read_stock
function to be:
read_stock = function(fichier) {
# read and preprocess data
stock <- read.csv(fichier, header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
stock$DATE = as.Date(stock$DATE, format = "%d/%m/%Y")
stock = stock[!duplicated(index(stock), fromLast = TRUE),]
# convert to xts class
stock = xts(OHLCV(stock), order.by = stock$DATE)
Next, it looks like the the first argument to relative.strength
inside the addRS
function is passed as a matrix, not an xts object. So you need to convert to xts, but take care that the index class of the stock
object is the same as the index class of the base
Then you need to make sure your weekly rs
object has an observation for each day in stock
. You can do that by merging your weekly data with an empty xts object that has all the index values for the stock
So I refactored your relative.strength
function to:
relative.strength = function(stock, base) {
# convert to xts
sxts <- as.xts(stock)
# ensure 'stock' index class is the same as 'base' index class
indexClass(sxts) <- indexClass(base)
index(sxts) <- index(sxts)
# calculate relative strength
rs = Cl(sxts) / Cl(base)
# weekly mean relative strength
rs = apply.weekly(rs, FUN = mean)
# merge 'rs' with empty xts object contain the same index values as 'stock'
merge(rs, xts(,index(sxts)), fill = na.locf)
Now, this code:
stock = read_stock("aaa.csv")
base = read_stock("vni.csv")
addRS = newTA(FUN=relative.strength, col='red', legend='RS')
candleChart(stock, theme='white')
Produces this chart: