So I am having an exam, and a big part of this exam will be quicksort algorithm. As everyone knows, the best case scenario and actually an average case for this algorithm is: O(nlogn)
. The worst case scenario would be O(n^2)
As for the worst case scenario I know how to explain it: It happens when the selected pivot would be the smallest or the biggest value in the array, then we would have n
quicksort calls which may take up to n
time (I mean partition operation). Am I right?
Now the best/average case. I've read the Cormens book, I understood many things thanks to that book, but as for the quicksort algorithm he focuses on the mathematical formulas on how to explain O(nlogn)
complexity. I just wanted to know why is it O(nlogn)
, not getting into some mathematical proof. For now I've only seen some Wikipedia explanation, that if we choose a pivot which divides our array into n/2, n/2+1
parts each time, then we would have a call tree of depth logn
, but I don't know if that is true and even if so, why is it logn
I know that there are many materials covering quicksort on the internet, but they only cover implementation, or are just telling me the complexity, not explaining it.
Am I right?
we would have a call tree of depth
but I don't know if that is true
It is.
why is it
Because we partition the array in half at every step, resulting in logn
depth of the call graph. From this Intro:
See the tree and its depth, it's logn
. Imagine it as the search in a BST costs logn
, or why search takes logn
too in Binary search in a sorted array.
PS: Math tell the truth, invest in understanding them, and you shall become a better Computer Scientist! =)