I have a pandas data frame about football results. Each row of the dataframe represents a football match. The information of each match are:
Day | WinningTeamID | LosingTeamID | WinningPoints | LosingPoints | WinningFouls | ... |
1 13 1 45 5 3
1 12 4 21 12 4
That is, the information are divided based on the game result: winning or losing. I would like to retrieve the data of each game for a specific team (e.g. 12).
Day | Points | Fouls | ... |
1 21 4 ...
2 32 6 ...
The simplest way is to scan the whole dataframe, check if a specific teamID is on WinningID or LosingID and then, based on that, retrieve the "Losing-columns" or the "Winning-columns". Is there a more "elegant" way of slicing the pandas dataframe? This will simply give me the subset of matches where the team 12 is involved.
df[df[WinningTeamID == 12] | [LosingTeamID == 12]]
How can I filter those data and create the desired dataframe?
Suppose we could choose the format of the data. What would be ideal? Since we
want to collect stats per TeamID
, ideally we would have a column of TeamID
and separate columns for each stat including the outcome.
So the data would look like this:
| Day | Outcome | TeamID | Points | Fouls |
| 1 | Winning | 13 | 45 | 3 |
| 1 | Losing | 1 | 5 | NaN |
| 1 | Winning | 12 | 21 | 4 |
| 1 | Losing | 4 | 12 | NaN |
Here is how we can manipulate the given data into the desired form:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Day': [1, 1], 'LosingPoints': [5, 12], 'LosingTeamID': [1, 4], 'WinningFouls': [3, 4], 'WinningPoints': [45, 21], 'WinningTeamID': [13, 12]})
df = df.set_index(['Day'])
columns = df.columns.to_series().str.extract(r'^(Losing|Winning)?(.*)', expand=True)
columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([columns[col] for col in columns],
names=['Outcome', None])
df.columns = columns
df = df.stack(level='Outcome').reset_index()
Day Outcome Fouls Points TeamID
0 1 Losing NaN 5 1
1 1 Winning 3.0 45 13
2 1 Losing NaN 12 4
3 1 Winning 4.0 21 12
Now we can obtain all the stats about TeamID
12 using
# Day Outcome Fouls Points TeamID
# 3 1 Winning 4.0 21 12
df = df.set_index(['Day'])
moves the Day
column into the index.
The purpose of placing Day
in the index is to "protect" it from manipulations
(primarily the stack
call) that are intended only for columns labeled Losing
or Winning
. If you had other columns, such as Location
which, like Day
, do not pertain to Losing
or Winning
, then
you'd want to include them in the set_index
call too: e.g. df =
df.set_index(['Day', 'Location', 'Officials'])
Try commenting out df = df.set_index(['Day'])
from the code above. Then step through the code line-by-line.
In particular, compare what df.stack(level='Outcome')
looks like with and without the set_index
With df = df.set_index(['Day'])
In [26]: df.stack(level='Outcome')
Fouls Points TeamID
Day Outcome
1 Losing NaN 5 1
Winning 3.0 45 13
Losing NaN 12 4
Winning 4.0 21 12
Without df = df.set_index(['Day'])
In [29]: df.stack(level='Outcome')
Day Fouls Points TeamID
0 NaN 1.0 3.0 45 13
Losing NaN NaN 5 1
Winning 1.0 3.0 45 13
1 NaN 1.0 4.0 21 12
Losing NaN NaN 12 4
Winning 1.0 4.0 21 12
Without the set_index
call you end up with rows that you do not want -- the rows where Outcome
equals NaN
The purpose of
columns = df.columns.to_series().str.extract(r'^(Losing|Winning)?(.*)', expand=True)
columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([columns[col] for col in columns],
names=['Outcome', None])
is to create a multi-level column index (called a
MultiIndex) which
labels columns Losing
or Winning
as appropriate.
Notice that by separating out the Losing
or Winning
parts of the labels,
the remaining parts of the labels become duplicated.
We end up with a DataFrame, df
, with two columns labeled "Points" for example.
This allows Pandas to identify these columns as somehow similar.
The big gain -- the reason why we went through the trouble of setting up the MultiIndex is so that these "similar" columns can be "unified" by calling df.stack
In [47]: df
Outcome Losing Winning
Points TeamID Fouls Points TeamID
1 5 1 3 45 13
1 12 4 4 21 12
In [48]: df.stack(level="Outcome")
Fouls Points TeamID
Day Outcome
1 Losing NaN 5 1
Winning 3.0 45 13
Losing NaN 12 4
Winning 4.0 21 12
, unstack
, set_index
and reset_index
are the 4 fundamental DataFrame reshaping operations.
moves a level (or levels) of the column index into the row index.df.unstack
moves a level (or levels) of the row index into the column index.df.set_index
moves column values into the row indexdf.reset_index
moves a level (or levels) of the row index into a column of valuesTogether, these 4 methods allow you to move data in your DataFrame anywhere you want -- in the columns, the row index or the column index.
The above code is an example of how to use these tools (well, three of the four) to reshape data into a desired form.