I checked this post already. But it doesn't answer my question. I want to get all the active directory groups in which a particular user is a member.
I've written the following code. But I'm not able to proceed further as I don't know how to give the filter and how to access the properties.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://mydomain.com");
DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(de);
searcher.Filter = "(&(ObjectClass=group))";
SearchResultCollection results = searcher.FindAll();
int i = 1;
foreach (SearchResult res in results)
Console.WriteLine("Result" + Convert.ToString(i++));
DisplayProperties("distinguishedName", res);
DisplayProperties("sAMAccouontName", res);
DisplayProperties("name", res);
DisplayProperties("objectSid", res);
private static void DisplayProperties(string property, SearchResult res)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + property);
ResultPropertyValueCollection col = res.Properties[property];
foreach (object o in col)
Console.WriteLine("\t\t" + o.ToString());
Any ideas?
Just query the "memberOf" property and iterate though the return, example:
StringBuilder groupNames = new StringBuilder(); //stuff them in | delimited
SearchResult result = search.FindOne();
int propertyCount = result.Properties["memberOf"].Count;
String dn;
int equalsIndex, commaIndex;
for (int propertyCounter = 0; propertyCounter < propertyCount;
dn = (String)result.Properties["memberOf"][propertyCounter];
equalsIndex = dn.IndexOf("=", 1);
commaIndex = dn.IndexOf(",", 1);
if (-1 == equalsIndex)
return null;
groupNames.Append(dn.Substring((equalsIndex + 1),
(commaIndex - equalsIndex) - 1));
return groupNames.ToString();
This just stuffs the group names into the groupNames string, pipe delimited, but when you spin through you can do whatever you want with them