I have this xml
<list-property name="columns">...</list-property>
<list-property name="resultSet">...</list-property>
Need to unmarshal this to object:
public class DataSet {
private Columns columns;
private ResultSet resultSet;
Help me to implement that if it possible.
Update What I tried to do:
public class DataSet {
private Columns columns;
private ResultSet resultSet;
public class DataSetListPropertyAdapter extends XmlAdapter<ListProperty, ListProperty> {
public ListProperty unmarshal(ListProperty v) throws Exception {
ListProperty listProperty;
switch (v.getName()) {
case "columns":
listProperty = new Columns();
case "resultSet":
listProperty = new ResultSet();
listProperty = new ListProperty();
return listProperty;
public ListProperty marshal(ListProperty v) throws Exception {
return v;
public class Columns extends ListProperty {
public Columns() {
name = "columns";
public class ListProperty extends NamedElement implements PropertyType{
@XmlElement(name = "structure")
private List<Structure> structure = new ArrayList<>();
public class NamedElement {
@XmlAttribute(name = "name", required = true)
protected String name;
When go unmarshalling then only first element of annotated objects parsed. Another is null. When I comment first then second becames parsed.
I do not think what you're trying to do is possible with JAXB reference implementation.
However, if you can change implementation, EclipseLink MOXy offer the @XmlPath that should resolve your problem :
public class DataSet {
private Columns columns;
private ResultSet resultSet;
More on @XmlPath : http://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/documentation/2.4/moxy/advanced_concepts005.htm