I added a check on a Post method to only let appointments on different dates pass through but I don't know how to return an error msg. here's the code
from flask_restful import Resource, Api, request
from package.model import conn
class Appointments(Resource):
def get(self):
appointment = conn.execute("SELECT p.*,d.*,a.* from appointment a LEFT JOIN patient p ON a.pat_id = p.pat_id LEFT JOIN doctor d ON a.doc_id = d.doc_id ORDER BY appointment_date DESC").fetchall()
return appointment
def post(self):
appointment = request.get_json(force=True)
pat_id = appointment['pat_id']
doc_id = appointment['doc_id']
appointment_date = appointment['appointment_date']
a = conn.execute("SELECT count(*) From appointment WHERE doc_id =?
AND appointment_date=?",(doc_id,appointment_date,)).fetchone()
if a['count(*)'] == 0:
appointment['app_id'] = conn.execute('''INSERT INTO appointment(pat_id,doc_id,appointment_date)VALUES(?,?,?)''', (pat_id, doc_id,appointment_date)).lastrowid
return appointment
what do I return instead of the pass statement?
PS: For context, I'm trying to improve https://github.com/tushariscoolster/HospitalManagementSystem
Flask-Restful provides an abort
function, it's can raise an HTTPException with special HTTP code and message back to the client.
So, you can try to change the code like below:
from flask_restful import abort
class Appointments(Resource):
def post(self):
# ignore some code
if a['count(*)'] == 0:
# ignore some code
abort(403, error_message='just accept an appointment on special date')
then, the client will receive 403 and a valid JSON string like below:
{"error_message":"just accept an appointment on special date"}
The last, the client should deal with the error message properly.