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How to map API response to database state in Redux-orm

I am trying to directly map API response to my Redux-Orm models. I have two models:

Product hasMany ProductProperties

ProductProperty belongsTo Product

The API response I receive is:

  products: [
    {name: 'P1', id: 1},
    {name: 'P2', id: 2}

  product_properties: [
    {name: 'Test1', id: 10, product_id: 1},
    {name: 'Test2', id: 11, product_id: 1},
    {name: 'Test3', id: 12, product_id: 2}
    {name: 'Test4', id: 13, product_id: 2}


I can tweak the API response to match with the redux-orm.

My Question is:

I want to avoid doing ProductProperty.first().set({product: Product.first}) -- That is I don't want to set the associations (child records) explicitly and have redux-orm infer them automatically.

Is there some way I can specify the foreign key that redux-orm can look for?


  • What I recommend to you is to use a json api standard for your API.

    That way, in your API return, your products would have a relationships key that will help you map it to the included product_properties. Something like:

      data: [
          type: 'product',
          id: 1,
          name: 'P1',
          relationships: [
            product_property: [
                data: {type: 'product_property', id: 10}
                data: {type: 'product_property', id: 11}
          type: 'product',
          id: 2,
          name: 'P2',
          relationships: [
            product_property: [
                data: {type: 'product_property', id: 12}
                data: {type: 'product_property', id: 13}
      included: [
        {type: 'product_property', name: 'Test1', id: 10},
        {type: 'product_property', name: 'Test2', id: 11},
        {type: 'product_property', name: 'Test3', id: 12}
        {type: 'product_property', name: 'Test4', id: 13}

    That way, it would be much easier for you to make a standard API parser that would map your json api resources to your redux-orm store. You create a redux-orm resource for each product and each product_property. Than you loop over product relationships and link them.

    Hope that would help.
