I'm having some trouble trying to implement the following math function:
I directly calculated by myself the inverse function of phi(x) for the first equality of the piecewise defined function.
I have the impression that something must have been done wrongly, as the result should be more 'positive' (greater than 0) for each iteration.
I know for sure that this is the exact formula I am supposed to use, so would you please be so kind to give me any feedback about how to solve this?
Many thanks in advance, and BR.
The solution was really simple after all. Glancing through many papers where this algorithm is mentioned, I noticed that the index of both sums don't start in 'j/i =1', but from 'j/i=2', and therefore the exponential is no longer powered by 0.
l = [0 0.3078 0.27287 0 0 0 0.41933];
r = [0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.6];
sigma = 9.8747;
mu0 = 2/sigma;
iterations = 50;
% Density evolution algorithm depiction for finding the treshold of irregular LDPC codes
syms x;
l_idle = zeros(1,length(l));
r_idle = zeros(1,length(r));
Q_1 = exp(-0.4527*x^0.86 + 0.0218);
Q_2 = sqrt(pi/x)*exp((-x/4)*(1-20/(7*x)));
mv = zeros(1,iterations+1);
for k=2:length(mv)
for i = 2:length(l_idle)
if ((mu0 + (i-1)*mv(k-1)) < 10)
l_idle(i) = double(subs(Q_1,x,(mu0 + (i-1)*mv(k-1))));
l_idle(i) = double(subs(Q_2,x,(mu0 + (i-1)*mv(k-1))));
lambda = l(2:length(l))*transpose(l_idle(2:length(l_idle)));
for j = 2:length(r_idle)
b = 1-(1-lambda)^(j-1);
if b < 10, r_idle(j) = subs(0.4527^(-1/0.86)*(0.0218-log(x))^(1/0.86),x,b);
else, r_idle(j) = subs(finverse(Q_2,x),x,b);
mv(k) = r(2:length(r))*transpose(r_idle(2:length(r_idle)));
Many thanks in advance for your support and may you have a nice weekend!