I am trying to input some text into text field using the following robotframework code and web element is not getting selected.Can someone suggest/guide me how this can achieved or how to identify if web element is invisible or executed through Javascript .Following is the example that I have tried.
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium2Library
Suite Teardown close all browsers
*** Test Cases ***
Example using custom selenium keyword
Open browser browser=chrome
Input Text //input[@id='_id0:logon:USERNAME'] Administrator
Input Text //input[@id='_id0:logon:PASSWORD'] Welcome1
I have tried using execute JAVAscript command in robot framework Selenium2Library.
Export CSV from SAP BO
Open browser browser=chrome
Execute Javascript document.getElementById('_id0:logon:USERNAME').value='Administrator' ;
Execute Javascript document.getElementById('_id0:logon:PASSWORD').value='Admin1' ;
Click Button LOGIN
I have tried using xpath and element is not getting selected using xpath.
<input id="_id0:logon:USERNAME" name="_id0:logon:USERNAME" type="text">
xpath is //input[@id='_id0:logon:USERNAME']
but output is no matching nodes.PFA screenshot below
The issue looks like coming from the fact the login is in an iframe - look at your first screenshot, the document starts with html > body > frame. So switching to it should make the rest of yoyr sample code work:
Select Frame a_locator_for_that_iframe