How do I convert the following defaultdict()
defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {
'key1_A': {
'id': 'key1',
'length': '663',
'type': 'A'},
'key1_B': {
'id': 'key1',
'length': '389',
'type': 'B'},
'key2_A': {
'id': 'key2',
'length': '865',
'type': 'A'},
'key2_B': {
'id': 'key2',
'length': '553',
'type': 'B' ........}})
the value of the id i.e key1
becomes the key, and the key called length
is changed to length_A or B
with corresponding values belonging in the earlier type
defaultdict(<class 'dict'>, {
'key1': {
'length_A': '663',
'length_B': '389'},
'key2': {
'length_A': '865',
'length_B': '553'}})
I think this does what you want:
from collections import defaultdict
import pprint
d = {
'key1_A': {
'id': 'key1',
'length': '663',
'type': 'A',
'key1_B': {
'id': 'key1',
'length': '389',
'type': 'B',
'key2_A': {
'id': 'key2',
'length': '865',
'type': 'A',
'key2_B': {
'id': 'key2',
'length': '553',
'type': 'B',
transformed = defaultdict(dict)
for v in d.values():
transformed[v["id"]]["length_{}".format(v["type"])] = v["length"]
# Output:
# defaultdict(<class 'dict'>,
# {'key1': {'length_A': '663', 'length_B': '389'},
# 'key2': {'length_A': '865', 'length_B': '553'}})