I got this homework which is to learn RMI. I need to create a server and multiple instances of clients.
Each client connects to the server and the server must keep a list of all of them. The server then return a list of network connections of all clients to every clients so they can call each other's method without having to use the server.
I got the part where each client connect to the server working. But I don't understand what to keep and what to send to the clients so they can communicate with each other.
I am currently trying to keep a list of remote References when using the servers's "registerToBank" method. Am I far from the solution ?
Here is the current code :
Server's interface
package banqueRmiInterface;
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import utils.SuccursaleInformationsContainer;
public interface BanqueRMIInterface extends Remote {
public int registerToBank(int moneyAmount) throws RemoteException;
package banque;
import java.rmi.Naming;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.RemoteRef;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import banqueRmiInterface.BanqueRMIInterface;
import succursale.Succursale;
import utils.SuccursaleInformationsContainer;
public class Banque extends UnicastRemoteObject implements BanqueRMIInterface{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
int totalMoney = 0;
List<Succursale> remoteObjectList = new ArrayList<Succursale>();
protected Banque() throws RemoteException {
public int registerToBank(int moneyAmount, Succursale succursale) throws RemoteException{
totalMoney += moneyAmount;
System.out.println(" succurcale #" + succursale.getId() + " added " + moneyAmount + "$ to the lot");
System.out.println("New total of money is: " + totalMoney);
return remoteObjectList.size()-1;
public static void main(String[] args){
try {
Naming.rebind("//", new Banque()); //Change this for your own ip
System.out.println("Server ready");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Server exception: " + e.toString());
public void updateClientsRemoteObjectList(){
for(int i = 0; i < remoteObjectList.size(); i++){
System.out.println("updating client #" +remoteObjectList.get(i).getId() );
public static void startRmiRegistry(){
try {
System.out.println("RMI registry ready.");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception starting RMI registry:");
public class Succursale implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -905645444505287895L;
private BanqueRMIInterface look_up;
private int id = 0;
private List<Succursale> remoteObjectList;
public static void main(String[] args) throws RemoteException, MalformedURLException, NotBoundException, Exception{
Succursale test = new Succursale();
public void doThings() throws RemoteException, MalformedURLException, NotBoundException, Exception{
look_up = (BanqueRMIInterface) Naming.lookup("//"); //Change this for your own ip
System.out.println("Combien d'argent vous avez?");
BufferedReader stdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String userInput;
int moneyAmount =0;
if ((userInput = stdIn.readLine()) != null)
moneyAmount = Integer.parseInt(userInput);
id = look_up.registerToBank(moneyAmount, this);
//do things
public void updateRemoteObjectList(List<Succursale> remoteObjectList){
this.remoteObjectList = remoteObjectList;
public int getId(){
return this.id;
public void setId(int id){
this.id = id;
How can every client will communicate to each other? If they communicate via RMI then you have to expose RMI interface from every client. And you can not return a network connection to a remote server so that would use in different server(different location)!