In a shoes application am trying to download stuff from some internal websites. I get this error
Error in /tmp/selfgz14214/ruby/lib/net/protocol.rb line 66
undefined method 'closed?' for #<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket:0xb6af94f0>
I got the above error for this code. This give the above error if used from Shoes.
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'rexml/document'
class Blogs
attr_reader :Connection
def initialize
@Connection = Net::HTTP::new("someInternalWebSite", 443)
@Connection.use_ssl = true
def get_blogs
doc = @Connection.get('/weblogs/feed/entries/atom').body
blogs =
# ----- some crap to parse the blogs
return blogs
Note this problem only happens when run from inside shoes.
Also using the inbuilt download method in shoes it doesn't return, not even start event gets raised. The following is the code for that
download "https://internalWebsite/weblogs/feed/entries/atom",
:start => lambda {
alert "hello"
:progress => lambda {
alert "progress"
:finish => lambda {
alert "finish"
Shoes doesn't support HTTPS in the current version.