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Updating Task Definitions in ECS

I'm currently trying to automate my build and deployment process through CodePipeline. After my code finishes building in codebuild, I want to update my task definition and update my service through the aws cli via CodeBuild.

I'm having a problem with updating the service because there's no way for me to keep track of the revision number. Is there a way to let the updated service know to use the latest revision? I know that you can specify a json, but how can I manipulate the revision number so that the service points to the right image in my registry?


  • Reading a little the documentation of the api of Amazon, does not tell you which is the last image that was uploaded. I recommend that in the process of upload captures the version to be able to set it in the service.

    I leave you the response of the api when you list the images.

    Response syntax:

       "imageIds": [ 
             "imageDigest": "string",
             "imageTag": "string"
       "nextToken": "string"

    A possible process can be:

    • Obtain the tag of your repo:

    TAG=$(git describe --always)

    • Build the image with this tag:

    docker build . -t [acount].dkr.ecr.[zone][app]:TAG

    • Push the image:

    docker push [acount].dkr.ecr.[zone][app]:TAG

    • Update the task with the image:

    • Update the service with the task

    Hope this can help you