I have some straight forward code below that:
Checks if any other files exist in directory (if yes, repeat, if not, move on)
IF NOT EXIST "%mypath%\*.*" GOTO nofile
FOR %%F IN ("%mypath%\*.*") DO (
set filenameWithExt=%%~nxF
set filename=%%~nF
set filepath=%%~pF
do other filename specific tasks
del "%mypath%\%filenameWithExt%"
IF NOT EXIST "%mypath%\*.*" GOTO nofile
I've used this code repeatedly and its worked like a charm, but on my most recent use it looks like its finding a 'ghost' file. When there are no FILES (there is a single archive FOLDER) in the directory, the if not exist
check from step 1 above somehow is still passing. As a result, the set
code in the for loop results in:
The system cannot find the file specified.
And it then appears as though it tries to delete my directory, saying:
\\mypath*, Are you sure (Y/N)?
I then have to manually terminate an otherwise automated batch.
Why is it passing the if not exist
check, rather than skipping to :nofile?
How can I account for this 'ghost' file (or if it is detecting the archive folder -- how else can I ignore it)?
The if exist
test looks for anything in the directory.
I'd restructure you code:
set "found1="
FOR %%F IN ("%mypath%\*.*") DO (
set filenameWithExt=%%~nxF
set filename=%%~nF
set filepath=%%~pF
set "found1=Y"
if not defined found1 goto nofile
do other filename specific tasks
del "%mypath%\%filenameWithExt%"
If the for
finds no files, found1
will remain undefined so we go to the :nofile
label, else we have a file to process. Having deleted the file, just go back to the beginning, clear the flag and repeat...