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moodle scorm - finding api

I'm using moodle 3.2 and trying to convert my html files into a scorm package. (A newbie)

As per my understanding moodle only supports scorm 1.2

I uploaded a scorm package (imsmanifest and a js file included which finds the api to start communication with LMS - LMSinitialize and LMSfinish) and it worked in moodle.

Then I uploaded a scorm package (included only imsfanifest file and not the js file) and this also worked in moodle.

Now, I'm unable to figure out if I need to use the api adapter finding js file with moodle or not.

I think this js ffile is required for features like bookmarking?

Please guide. Thank you.


  • There is a algorithm to searching for "API" within windows in the browser. This makes it so a IFRAME or a Tab/Popup Window can search the LMS. Some LMS's use framesets still so its nested pretty much anywhere in all that.

    I've said more on this wiki than I could ever type here so hopefully it will give you a head start. Feel free to check out the actual full library if you feel you'll benefit from that.