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Google Api Php client - Spreadsheets permission error

I am using Google PHP client to access spreadsheet data.

I getting this fatal error:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Google_Service_Exception' with message '{ "error": { "code": 403, "message": "The caller does not have permission", "errors": [ { "message": "The caller does not have permission", "domain": "global", "reason": "forbidden" } ], "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED" } }

My code:

  $client = new Google_Client();
  $client->setApplicationName("Google spreadsheets");

  $service = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);

  $range = 'Class Data!A2:E';
  $response = $service->spreadsheets_values->get($sheetid, $range);
  $values = $response->getValues();

  if (count($values) == 0) {
      print "No data found.\n";
  } else {
    print "Name, Major:\n";
    foreach ($values as $row) {
     // Print columns A and E, which correspond to indices 0 and 4.
     printf("%s, %s\n", $row[0], $row[4]);

How to fix this?


  • Take the service account email address and share the sheet with it like you would any other user. It will then have access to the sheet