I got an error, I used the option "catfail" (navigate to it using the arrow keys when you get an error) and saved a log of the error.
But now I can't read the bug file. it's all encrypted I think.
here is a little part of it:
ÿ õÄM³Ô ÿ ¶Ô( ( Z Àabsadmin Nov 21 2008 19:38 yÃg {Ãgfledge.exe {Ãg/app=Jvm.dll {Ãg/h
the file itself is called 8900.bug (8900: the device simulator)
And i notice a lot more characters in the file that stackoverflow isn't showing.
I found the following: in notepad, press CTRL+F, and search for 'VECM'. This will show you the method where the error occurs.
There is much more info in the .bug file, but it's a start.