I have installed on my machine cordova 7.0 & Ionic 3.4.0. I made a custom plugin using plugman and it's structured as following:
src - ios & android folders with the native files
www - .js file
Adding it to a Ionic 2 project (which is using cordova-ios 4.4.0) works fine, it's generated as expected and I can use it.
Now I need to add Alamofire framework as a dependency to my plugin. I need it to be handled automatically when a plugin is installed. I saw from the documentation (How to add framework as dependency) that I should add:
<framework src="GoogleCloudMessaging" type="podspec" spec="~> 1.2.0" />
To the plugin.xml in the custom plugin. I added it but when I re-add the plugin into the ionic2 project it is not installing also the framework/pod.
I saw other topics related to mine but neither is helping me. I've tried everything, but I can't get it done.
Also, something weird with the tag from the plugin.xml, according to the documentation is:
Paired with type="podspec", this is the spec string for the CocoaPod you want to install (static library only). CocoaPod support only exists in cordova-ios 4.3.0 and cordova-cli 6.4.0. For your plugin, make sure you add the appropriate tags and package.json dependencies to ensure backwards-compatible support.
Isn't this quite strange, will it work for newer versions of cordova-ios?
Plugin - package.json content:
"name": "cordova-plugin-requestService",
"version": "1.0.0",
"author": "*******",
"private": true,
"engines": {
"cordovaDependencies": {
"1.0.0": { "cordova-ios": ">=4.4.0" }
plugin.xml content:
<!-- iOS -->
<platform name="ios">
<dependency id="cordova-plugin-add-swift-support" version="^1.6.0" />
<framework src="Alamofire" type="podspec" spec="~> 4.4.0" />
<config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
<feature name="requestService">
<param name="ios-package" value="requestService" />
<source-file src="src/ios/requestService.swift" />
I mainly solved the problems:
Made a fresh starter of Ionic (with the latest versions of both cordova and ionic) - will migrate to the newer versions because of the incompatibilities between the cli's and project.
Used tag in the plugin.xml of the custom plugin
I also added the plugin automatically while triggering platform add ios
Unfortunately, cordova doesn't support yet this, but it's an open issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-11893
You can use either a hook after add platform or https://github.com/blakgeek/cordova-plugin-cocoapods-support if you don't want to write it everytime, manually.