I had an anonymous branch (branch without naming, in red rectangle) result from cloning.
I realize I may provide name to the anonymous branch through bookmarking
However, bookmarking
is not permanent. I was wondering, whether I can make the anonymous branch to truly named branch? Is it too late to do so? Or I should do it in the very beginning of 1)Change calendar to dateTime.
You should've done that when you committed the first changeset, the one you point out.
The name of a branch is permanently stored as part of the changeset, so in this case, the changesets are definitely on a branch, it's just that they're on the default
The only way to retroactively embed a new branch name into the changesets is to replay the changesets one by one into a repository that doesn't have them, you would then get a new chance of getting the name of the branch in there.
Are you sure you want to name the branch? You can't get rid of it (without doing the same excercise as getting it in there) once it is there, so if it is temporary, a name is the wrong thing to do.