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How separate my realmObjects in multi sync realm?

I have some realmObject(my data model) in my android app and some Sync Realm for example:

realm_url1 = "realm://myserver:9080/~/setting contain some user setting realmObject

realm_url2 = "realm://myserver:9080/~/app contain some app realmObject

How i can set what object create in what realm_url? because all of my realmObject has created in all realm_url. I getInstance to __permission realm to read user permission but all of my realm object create there and __permission not work properly again and i can't restore it to back. Please get me know can separate object is realms.


  • If you want to create a separate schema for each Realm, you can do so by using the @RealmModule annotation. You can see how to use it here:

    // Create the module
    @RealmModule(classes = { Person.class, Dog.class })
    public class MyModule {
    // Set the module in the RealmConfiguration to allow only classes defined by the module.
    SyncConfiguration config = new SyncConfiguration.Builder(user, url)
      .modules(new MyModule())
    // It is possible to combine multiple modules to one schema.
    SyncConfiguration config = new SyncConfiguration.Builder(user, url)
      .modules(new MyModule(), new MyOtherModule())