I'm trying to add an auto incremented serial number column in my pdf. I tried to get it from database, but since the data retrieved is random, the serial number printed on the pdf is random as well. I want to start it like 1, 2, 3...
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM `" . $DB->pre . "order_detail`
WHERE orderID= '$orderID'";
$rows2 = $DB->dbRows($sql2);
if ($DB->numRows > 0){
$newL=110; ////fixed cell spaced in y-axis for quantity
foreach ($rows2 as $d2) {
$pdf->Cell(11,7, ,1,0,'L',0); /////SERIAL NUMBER COLUMN/////
$newL += 7;
$pdf-> Ln();
Then all you need is a counter.
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM `" . $DB->pre . "order_detail`
WHERE orderID= '$orderID'";
$rows2 = $DB->dbRows($sql2);
if ($DB->numRows > 0){
$newL=110; ////fixed cell spaced in y-axis for quantity
// you already had a counter so I am reusing it
foreach ($rows2 as $d2) {
// place counter in column
$pdf->Cell(11,7, $cnt,1,0,'L',0); /////SERIAL NUMBER COLUMN/////
$newL += 7;
// add 1 to the counter
$pdf-> Ln();