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LotusScript - How to select multiple values in multi-select ListBox programmatically

I am trying to select values in my ListBox using LotusScript. My code looks like this:

Forall role In docByUi.rolesList
        If entity.getRoles <> "" Then
            If Instr(1, entity.getRoles,role,5) Then
                resultRoles = resultRoles & role
                resultRoles = resultRoles + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
            End If
        End If
    End Forall

    Call uiDoc.FieldSetText("rolesList", resultRoles)
    Call uiDoc.Refresh

But it's not working. I have no problems when I am trying to select first item, but I can not select more than one.

My list box has two items (and it will be more of them in future): enter image description here


1. How to select ListBox items using LotusScript?

2. How can I choose which item to select, if the items count is more than two e.t.c.?

3. Can you please give some small example of this or any advise...

Thank you!


  • Please declare variable [resultRoles] as an array.

    Dim resultRoles As Variant
    resultRoles = Split("") 'that will make variable array
    Forall role In docByUi.rolesList
        If entity.getRoles <> "" Then
            If Instr(1, entity.getRoles,role,5) Then
                resultRoles = Arrayappend(resultRoles, role)
            End If
        End If
    End Forall
    resultRoles = Fulltrim(resultRoles) 'that will delete first empty element from array
    Call uiDoc.Document.replaceitemvalue("rolesList", resultRoles) 'use NotesDocument instead
    Call uiDoc.Refresh

    Here is an clean example where on form I have only 1 field ListField with values [a, b, c] and 1 button that fill that field.

    Dim ws As New notesuiworkspace
    Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
    Dim a As Variant
    Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
    Set doc = uidoc.Document
    a = Split("b;c", ";")
    Call doc.replaceitemvalue("ListField", a)

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