I am trying to select values in my ListBox using LotusScript. My code looks like this:
Forall role In docByUi.rolesList
If entity.getRoles <> "" Then
If Instr(1, entity.getRoles,role,5) Then
resultRoles = resultRoles & role
resultRoles = resultRoles + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
End If
End If
End Forall
Call uiDoc.FieldSetText("rolesList", resultRoles)
Call uiDoc.Refresh
But it's not working. I have no problems when I am trying to select first item, but I can not select more than one.
My list box has two items (and it will be more of them in future):
1. How to select ListBox items using LotusScript?
2. How can I choose which item to select, if the items count is more than two e.t.c.?
3. Can you please give some small example of this or any advise...
Thank you!
Please declare variable [resultRoles] as an array.
Dim resultRoles As Variant
resultRoles = Split("") 'that will make variable array
Forall role In docByUi.rolesList
If entity.getRoles <> "" Then
If Instr(1, entity.getRoles,role,5) Then
resultRoles = Arrayappend(resultRoles, role)
End If
End If
End Forall
resultRoles = Fulltrim(resultRoles) 'that will delete first empty element from array
Call uiDoc.Document.replaceitemvalue("rolesList", resultRoles) 'use NotesDocument instead
Call uiDoc.Refresh
Here is an clean example where on form I have only 1 field ListField with values [a, b, c] and 1 button that fill that field.
Dim ws As New notesuiworkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim a As Variant
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
Set doc = uidoc.Document
a = Split("b;c", ";")
Call doc.replaceitemvalue("ListField", a)
Нема за що.