Websites often allow the user to specify how many items to show per page in a paginated table. Iwould like to do this with django-tables2.
I could add a "Show [ 5 | 10 | 50 ] per page" select box to collect a per_page parameter from the user.
However, the "Previous" and "Next" buttons in the table template are hyperlinks, with a hardcoded value for per_page, e.g.:
<a href="?per_page=5&page=5">Next</a>
I am thinking the only way to make this dynamic would be to use javascript, e.g.:
<span onclick="get_table_page(5)">Next</span>
Where the functions get_table_page() can retrieve the per_page parameter from the select box.
Is that the best way to do it? Or is there a way without javascript?
UPDATE: No answer to the question (how to change per_page for Previous/Next page) but, as accepted answer points out, user can reload the current page with changed per_page parameter, e.g.:
<p>Show [ <a href="{% querystring "per_page"=5 %}">5</a>
| <a href="{% querystring "per_page"=20 %}">20</a>
| <a href="{% querystring "per_page"=50 %}">50</a>
] Items</p>
With thanks and best wishes
django-tables2 supports the per_page
keyword argument to table.paginate()
. If RequestConfig
or one of the class based views is used, just adding per_page=20
to the url will make django-tables2 re-render with 20 rows per page.
You can create urls in your custom template using the {% querystring per_page=20 %}
tag, which should keep the sorting/filtering intact.