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Html.Action within _SharedLayout to partialView with controller

I need a _LayoutPage with a menù basd on user permission that i read from server.

i find this article and try to implement it

basically Layout call an action to controller that search user permission and return a partial view that render only some of it's element

this is the structure: structure

this the _Layout body:

    @Html.Action("RenderMenu", "MasterController")
    <div id="bodyMasterPage">

    <div id="footerMasterPage">


intestazione is my partial view, quite empty for now


public class MasterController : Controller
        public ActionResult RenderMenu()
                return PartialView("Instestazione", null);

and TestController

public class TestController : Controller
        public IUnitOfWork myUow;
        // GET: WebMVC/Test

        public TestController(IUnitOfWork uow)
            myUow = uow;            

        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

now when i open http://localhost:61599/WebMVC/Test/Index get this error:

 The controller for path '/WebMVC/Test/Index' was not found or does not implement IController.
Descrizione: Eccezione non gestita durante l'esecuzione della richiesta Web corrente. Per ulteriori informazioni sull'errore e sul suo punto di origine nel codice, vedere la traccia dello stack.

Dettagli eccezione: System.Web.HttpException: The controller for path '/WebMVC/Test/Index' was not found or does not implement IController.

Errore nel codice sorgente:

Riga 16: </head>
Riga 17: <body> 
Riga 18:    @Html.Action("RenderMenu", "MasterController")
Riga 19:    <div id="bodyMasterPage">
Riga 20:        @RenderBody();

which seem strange since talks of TestController and if i remove Html.Action code (@Html.Action("RenderMenu", "MasterController")) alla works fine

Why calling MasterController get error on TestController


  • problem is here: @Html.Action("RenderMenu", "MasterControler")

    Controller suffix have not to be used

    I take code from link without much attention